10:16 AM

Get Whataburger Email Signatures and Teams Backgrounds Here!

Virtual Backgrounds

Need to dress up your virtual computer background for a Teams meeting? Scroll through this gallery,  and download your favorite!

LinkedIn Headers

Want to show your Whataburger Pride on LinkedIn? Check out this gallery of headers perfectly sized to give your page some flair.  Download the image you like, save it to your desktop, then upload to LinkedIn.  Note:  Some users report getting a glitch message from LinkedIn that the files are corrupted. We promise, the files are fine.  If you  get this message, just close your LinkedIn window and open it again and your new header will be there. 

Email Signatures

Spice your email signature with any of the options in the Word document linked in the download module below! Just copy and paste your favorite into your Outlook signature.  Need a little help finding just where to click? We've got a job-aid that will walk you through step by step! 


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