17:24 PM

Jolly Your Holly-days!

Download Whataburger Coloring Pages, Computer Backgrounds and Gift Tags

'Twas the month before Christmas and all through the house, 
Folks were working, and schooling, and starting to grouse. 
Zoom meetings were humdrum, the gifts needed wrapping, 
From boredom, kids’ fingers were fidgety-tapping. 

When what to my wondering eyes should appear... 
But a Whatakid Snowbaby with downloadable cheer.
With backgrounds to spice up those oh-so-long meetings, 
Gift tags, coloring pages... for holiday treating!

All free for the clicking -- from my friends who just know
That this year needs some joy to make our hearts glow.
And I heard him exclaim, as he flew out of sight,
Merry Whataburger to all! Pick up curbside tonight!

Click the images below to download
Happy Holidays from the elves at Whataburger!